Here is a brief description of the EIGHT style types of the OCTO CODES method. It describes the general behavioural and dressing tendencies of the given style. Bear in mind, nothing is set in stone and there is definitely more to the method than meets the eye, literally. For now, just have some fun and see if you can find you a little bit of you in one or two of those style types.


This style is the "typical" representative of feminine energy because it has the most yin. The romantic type woman may seem delicate to fragile. She is highly sensitive and compassionate, she is intuitive and her great power and strength is in her feelings

Her priority is taking care of home and family, he loves traditional values. She is a typical home-maker and has a great eye for detail.


The elegant lady is always tastefully and practically dressed and groomed. She is conservative, values tradition highly and she is an epitome of order and brings stability. She can be extremely hardworking and responsible. The elegant lady aspires to perfection.

On the outside she can seem rather austere while inside she is a well of feelings, albeit very rarely expressed

She is devoted to her family and friends and lovingly and dutifully takes care of her home.


The noble lady represents the style of kings and queens. She carries herself with natural authority and power. She is usually beautiful, cultured, with an air of something exceptional yet she is generous and radiates abundance and charity emanating from her heart.

She tends to find something beautiful in everything and everyone. She is warm, appreciative and kind as well as firm and discerning. .


The ethno-avantgard woman is a true pioneer of a harmonious relationship with Mother Earth. Her religion is nature and everything natural. Her world often echos words consisting of eco and bio, and also esoterics

She is a natural being with the deep wisdom filtering through ages. She is fine with natures chaos - the spontaneous creations.

She likes to honour the Mother Earth in all of us. Her many gifts include a healing touch. 


This style type is an action girl, she has the most yang energy of all styles.  She has a natural need for physical activity. She is smart and fast but can also be a great fun to be around and makes friends easily.  

She is oriented towards performance, achieving goals, and is usually a great leader and manager. She works well in a team and has excellent logistical thinking. She is swift and practical in bringing forth a solution. 

She tends to be extroverted yet keeps her "feet well on the ground".


The casual woman is more of an introverted type and she often is called the "mouse type" kind of a woman but don't be misled. She like to stay inconspicous but she is a keen observer of life and people. She deep, soulful, empathetic with her inner strength hidden. She loves deep topics and her lifelong passions are learning, books and often languages.

There is softness, even shyness feel about her but she is not fragile. She prefers to express herself in letters rather than words. She rests best alone.


The unconventional style type woman needs to do things her way. She breaks the established order, often just by being herself. She tends to be unyielding and stubborn reminding us sometimes of a petulant teenager who is determined to blaze the trail. And yes, she loves adventure.

She is also very creative, has a great sense of beauty, aesthetics, and harmony. She can be quiet one minute and rather outspoken the next. She has a talent to express herself verbally very well. .


The extravagant woman is like a proper star. She needs to shine, to stand out from the crowd.

She is a trend-setter and has a natural talent for clothes and make-up and can present herself with quite an impact. 

She can seem rather extroverted but that is not a rule since she can put on a show. She has a lot of energy and interests. She is highly intelligent, multi-talented, responsible, goal-oriented and can work very hard to achieve those goals.