How do clothes connect to your soul?
They hug pretty tight! Just like your clothes hugs your body everyday.
Do you know that you can enhance your personality and individuality, thus your reality, or you can hinder it simply by your everyday clothes?
What's your clothes got to do with spirituality or talent or relationships?
Learn about the method that takes you to the psychology behind your style and you way beyond "dress to feel good" or "find your style" based on body shape or colour palette, or even the cliche "be you". All that just (?) through your clothes & the way you dress?
Oh, yes...
Question: when was clothes "just" clothes,
when did you totally not care what you wear?
Glamourous or ordinary, vibrant or calm - this can take you on a journey if you like, you can dig deep and go far. Or you can simply enjoy it and have fun . And it can save you a lot of money.
Are you unsure or comfy and confident in your clothes? Do you express your true self or play a role? You tell me... And if you are not happy with your clothes and the roles you play, we can crack this together. Let me know . It is creative and it is fun.
This method
- highlights the unique-ness in you and appreciates it
- reassures you it's just fine to be your wonderful self
- finds the right clothes for you, in which you feel in harmony and beautiful
- dresses your body and makes your soul emanate your spirit out into the world
- makes you feel more confident about self and body
- supports you in finding the right partner
Knowing your style
helps you understand which job could be more up your street and ignites the passion for it
points more clearly to your talents and how to use them
improves relationship with your loved ones
helps you get along better with others and understand them
set stagnant things in motion
...and much more
Once you see how all eight of them work, you will naturally discover the ninth key. A sweet aspect and true gift of this method. The ninth key reaches beyond the world of fashion and style, and it ushers you into deeper understanding and acceptance of the fact that we are all wonderfully and perfectly different!
Unlock the mystery, read on, find your key...